Thursday, January 22, 2009

Doll Day Five

Choosing your clay & covering
your styrofoam & polystyrene
I use ladoll & premier clay and mix them together.
I experimented and used premier alone and it was
not as easy to sand as the ladoll. Ladoll on its own
is great but it sands a little too easy. I mix them
together to get the ability to sand combined with the
tooth & the added strength from the premier clay body.
(but the clay body is your choice i just happen to use ladoll
because it is airdry clay,non toxic and is ready to sand the
day after u cover your foam doll form)

I took my foam form i carved out (below)

I rolled out the clay to 1/8-2/8 of an inch thick and covered the
foam form with my ladoll & premier clay mixture.
a= the head
b=the body
c= ladoll & premier clay mixture

next sanding, and modeling details . . .


Tooninator said...

Hey Erica. Long-time no-see. How goes it. This doll is pretty sweet. Can't wait to see it finished.

Erica Rosario said...

thx miss u matt :) how are u? Yeah i am excited too :D. . . I gave the doll a good sanding i will be posting more shots sooon :)